Shaking and breaking tables: Which are you guilty of?

Conversation starters, and Killers' Edition.
 #4 will make you cringe :( 

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, lets shake these tables and if possible, break them. Shall we?
Welcome! Let's do this together.

1. So, I just met you last night and gracefully gave you my number and this morning you feel like you have the right to call me 'dear'. Wooow.
Hollup Dear brothers, let's save the 'dear' and related words for when we're better acquainted shall we?
Dear sisters, please, if we're not besties (or at least close friends), sisters, or you're at least 10-20 (or more years older) don't call us 'dear'. Please. S'il vous plaît. Por favor.
Most times, we're just used to saying it and see no big deal, but to some persons, its a means of validating themselves by making others feel less.  So when you're not sure of your standing with someone, don't use the 'Dear' word. Thenkew.

Are you sure I'm your 'Dear'?

2. This is related to number one, and its hard to imagine that people actually say this but. Ha. Hmm. Anyway. Here it is: Don't text someone, another human being, younger or older, friend or acquaintance 'GM' ever. Or say 'Morning' if you're not their parent, teacher or CLOSE friend. Some will make it worse and say 'morning dear' gosh! What are you? My aunt? No vex me early in the morning o. Mtchew.

Vex me not.

3. OK, let's get serious. When chatting with someone you're trying to get to know better, try to avoid cliché questions like; 'how are you?' 'how was your night?' 'Have you eaten?' 'How was your day?' all the time, cos you'll only get 'fine' in return. End of conversation.
 Instead, you could say: 'How are you doing today?' 'I hope you slept well?' I hope your day went well?' 'Can you tell me something you did today that you'd love to do everyday?' 'So, did anything interesting or frustrating happen today?'  It opens up the conversation for sincere, rich answers, and more questions if the other party is interested.
Are the tables shaking thus far?

Don't leave us yet.

PS: Did you know that saying 'how was your night?' Really means 'how was last night's sex?'
Next time, just say: Did you sleep well? ;)

4. Lets see if we can break the table with this one: ', why don't you have a boyfriend/girlfriend.....'  'Why aren't you married yet?'. 'Don't you and your husband want to have children? Time is ticking o'
NEVER ask someone about their relationship status if you're not a close friend, nuclear family member or interested in asking them out. Why? Cos It's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!  If you really must know more about someone, please be polite and tactful about it.

Team wedding planners. You're doing well.

If they are comfortable with you, they'd even tell you more than you're fishing for. If you must ask, don't forget It's a sensitive topic.

Cute huh? Yh... Those newlyweds know too. Don't stress them.

If they are married, what goes on in their family isn't your concern. So don't ask unless they bring it up first, and even when they do, don't be too quick to jump at the offer to be counsellor general. It could end in tears. For you. (I.e, they might quote you where you'd regret it)

Hello brother/sister; mind your business.

Hmmm... These tables....have we broken them yet?

 You know, growing up, we were taught to be polite, and respectful. (Home training)
As adults tho, in a bid to be ourselves, be honest or wanting to be seen as 'Jasi' babe or guy. Never to be caught unfresh. Lol. Rather; never to be caught being "goody two shoes"... We left out respect.

 Remember; Its easy to say the first thing that comes to mind, but it takes a lot to decide to  filter words before speaking. That is, If you must even say anything at all.

If you had a thousand words left, would you still be a marlian?

Thank you so much for reading. Kindly share these lifestyle  tips and help build a more civilized society.
Do tell in the comment section:
1. Which of these tables (embarrassing situations) have you been on? And how did you handle it?
2. How many of these tables are you guilty of?

See you soon.
XoXo; RHD.


  1. Beautiful Piece. I'm sure the table has been totally broken. Most embarrassing and annoying question ever - You seem like a responsible man, are you in a relationship? Seriously? What has that got to do with you. People need to mind their business.

    1. Responsible looks get questioned too? Lol. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Wao! I learnt something very crucial today to improve myself. Thanks

  2. Thanks for the tips to effective communication 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  3. That Hello dear always gives me the chills, please dear I’m not your dear tanx 😅.
    Thanks for this beautiful write up 😉

    1. Those chills man! Thanks for sharing Enkay ;)

  4. Many of us are guilty, yet innocent. I guess starting a conversation or trying to keep up with one is a skill for people to learn. As it has made people loose vital things in life. The writeup is Brilliant

    1. Exactly. We need to actively learn communication skills. Or we'll keep stepping on toes in the guise of being jovial. Thanks Fakson.

  5. Me just walking by till I saw till I saw no.3... i used to be on that table, but I also think guys are not the only one who should learn how to start and keep a conversation, ladies should learn as well, you would be amazed at the number of ladies who "suck" at keeping conversations and leave the other party exhausted from trying to keep the fire of the conversation going.. leh me jus stop Lai dat.. thanks for the piece.. learnt a lot.. Gracias mucho

    1. Yes! Both parties should learn how to keep a conversation going.
      De nada Treasured. Glad you enjoyed this :)

  6. Nice! the most annoying one for me, is the 'GM' or 'morning' aaaaaah... what happened to morning please?

    1. Abi ooo... Please tell those on your contact list ;) we won't be having it anymore.

  7. I learnt something new today. I make sure I adhere to the corrections. Thanks for the information.

  8. Thanks for shaking this table alot of us needs it. merci

  9. 😂😂😂 you shattered the table!!! Really, it can all be so annoying, tiring and boring!

  10. Oops!.....You destroyed the table 😄.....I'm guilty of one and I will work on it. Thank you

  11. Asking someone how was your night really mean a different thing from what i think it means😋😜. Thanks for the correction.

    1. Yes it does. So except you REALLY want to know that detail, just ask if the person slept well 😉.

  12. Thanks for the tip. I am guilty of #3 but hopefully with your tip, i will do better. Muchas gracias

  13. You both shook and broke the table "Dear" 😂😂😂

  14. Beautiful Piece. I'm sure the table has been totally broken. Most embarrassing and annoying question ever - You seem like a responsible man, are you in a relationship? Seriously? What has that got to do with you. People need to mind their business.

    1. Yes they do. And sometimes, it's okay to tell them that to their faces.

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  17. Well, the only issues I have here is the "Marriage question on sensitive issues". There's no issues with dear or whatever question. It opens up conversations to and calms a conversation when properly done. We should learn not to take things personal. Life is easier than these unnecessary notes. A million examples are there to make a conversation go well that started with morning, hello dear or even morning dear. First, I don't see y u should collect number from someone u haven't created a good rapport with. Ko necesstry!. For me, let your chat conversation be as real as u feel, fuck shit if u misinterpret me. This is what makes us different from the white, we take unnecessary things too personal abeg. The word dear is not used to address people less but to show care, it is only not right to use when it is used to address a prospective client based on referral or someone you were referred to


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