Hustle of a Creative

Open Letter From RHD

"Take off your rose coloured glasses Rose!
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Life isn't what you mapped it out to be at 16.. So what?
The dreams and hopes and plans may not have worked out by 25.
But you do know to keep trying abi?
So do it. Kicking and screaming. Scared and doubtful. Broke and hustling. Keep pushing. Accept help when you can't go on. Talk to God, He's always there.
You have dreams right? How far do they push you? Are you set to do the work?"


"I am."

Wake up and smell the COFFEE..

.....The thought process of a Creative. Hyping, motivating and encouraging oneself is a must for the job, or your ever busy mind will drive you crazy.

Hey There! It's RHD.

My name is Rhoda Morakinyo. Aka: RHD (or Rose in my mind.. Lol)
Welcome to my Weekly Blog. This is my open diary to you, dear reader. I'll be sharing content relating to my world as I view and experience it.

I'll talk Movies, Music, Books, Fashion, Lifestyle, Etiquette and Poise, Writing, Art and Living in Nigeria.
It promises to be Real. Illustrative. Emotional. Personal. Thought provoking... and a Good read all the way.
Join me (and guest writers) every week for  a rollercoaster ride.

Keep up with me on Instagram @rhdesignss.

PS: Do check out my previous post if you haven't done so already. Stay safe people, I'll see you next weekend *wink*

Alright...Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time I got back to writing.  Ă€ bien tĂ´t.


  1. Nice one @RHD this word of encouragement goes a long in every youth life

  2. Beautiful write-up... Well-done Rhoda

  3. Beautiful write-up... Well-done Rhoda

  4. I'll try better to be my personal hypeman.. thanks Rose!

  5. Creatives really need to be self-aware of the importance of self-motivation even when you might be the only person in the room. Well done!


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