Maintaining 'Steeze' in Tough Economic Times: A Nigerian's Guide.

10 tips for Finding and Maintaining Joy in this Economic Recession and beyond:

RHD ft Annie 😉

Hey everyone, Rhoda here! Today, I've got a special blog post co-written with my lovely sister, Annie. We wanted to talk about something that's been on all our minds lately: how to maintain joy and composure during these tough economic times. So, let's dive in with maximum steeze and composure!

In a society where working under pressure has become a necessity, how do we go about our various activities while remaining grounded, joyful, and grateful?

We can all agree that things are not the same as they used to be. The cost of living is enough to kill the living. Yet, what must be done must be done. As a business owner, I know firsthand about prices being shot through the roof, yet our customers still ask for discounts (can't blame them much). Parents have to pay school fees, and the increased house rent becomes due in the blink of an eye!. University students need to buy manuals and pay other bills. Even commercial drivers have  increased prices, so they can afford fuel, and vehicle repairs... 

Don’t get us started on food items. Some families have had to go from 1-1-1 (3 meals per day) to 0-0-1 or 1-0-1... skipping meals to cos they can't afford much.

Amidst all of these challenges, It's very easy to let our mental health take a backseat. Knowing we all have to maintain maximum steeze and composure to keep our mental health in check, here are a few suggestions:

1.  Cut your coat... :This phrase has never been more needed than in this season. Do not let anyone 'shame' you into buying what you can't afford for any reason. Trim your shopping list. Don't just buy some items because you are used to them. Ask yourself 'do i reaallllyyyy need this?' or 'can i replace this with something else?' Shop essentials first, and if you can still afford to, then add other stuff.

2.  Get creative with your meals: Hop on the cucumber stew, carrot stew, garden egg sauce trend. What's the harm? You might really enjoy it (I know i do😉). Remember, we've been complaining about how boring the existing stews and sauces are getting... This is the time to try something new, healthy, and affordable.

3. Reduce the carbon footprint: If it's not too far, why drive/take a bus ? Leave a bit earlier, and take a nice little stroll, You'll save money/fuel and get a little exercise in the process. Going out in a group? Carpool instead of convoy. Be intentional about cutting cost, saving up, and getting healthier in your own way.

Find time to be alone

4. Get creative with 'me' time: If you love solitude, find a unique, free/affordable/quiet spot that works for you. A waterfront, a rooftop, a bookstore/library... Sounds very movie-like, right? There's a reason why these places are so popular in movies... Take time to reflect on your growth and fill your lungs with fresh air. 

Sweets are good for the soul😉

5. Treat Yourself: Remember, we still have to 'maintain steeze', spark joy, and keep our mental health in check. So, plan ahead, visit a restaurant, canteen, suya/sharwama spot. Walk into a supermarket and buy yourself some cheap ice-cream and/or chocolates, Dress up, go with your family/friends, take pictures, and enjoy the experience. If you can still afford the treats you usually enjoy, then there's no need to deny yourself. 

Have fun at home INTENTIONALLY,

6. Home Cinema: Skip the cinemas and watch movies/football matches at home with your loved ones. My neighbor unintentionally turned his house to a mini 'viewing center' when football conversations led to watching the match together. My husband and the rest of the neighbors gather at Daddy TJ's house when there's an important match to watch and banter. Trust me, they have a swell time. Get a family plan for a streaming platform with your close friends or family, and enjoy all the latest movies/football matches at an affordable rate with home made popcorn, a pack of biscuits/chips with your favorite drinks. Throw in some games too if you can. A good laugh with your 'gees' from time to time is good for your mental health.

It never gets old...

 7. Night on the Town:  Randomly visit a live band on your way from work. Get a drink you can afford, sit back, and watch the nightlife unfold and fill your soul with uplifting music. Dance along or just nod to the music. Do it alone or with friends and loved ones... Just find a cozy place to hangout, and unwind. You need it.

8. Skip Social media: For some hours everyday, for a day or two every week, skip the 'Gram, Youtube, TikTok, Facebook...whatever media you mindlessly spend 2-5 hours of your day on, skip it. Intentionally put your phone away, and transport yourself back to 2004 in your mind's eye. if social media didn't exist, how would you pass time?

You could get a good paperback book, magazine, novel, bible or an audiobook (if you can't completely put your phone away) Listen, read, or meditate during your quiet time and transport yourself to another world.

9. Gifting: Plan ahead to get yourself something nice from time to time (every month end/ every 3 months maybe? save up to splurge on yourself. Walk into a store, to gift yourself or your loved ones... It could something small like a lip balm, a beaded bracelet, or a crochet hat😉 It could be some foodstuff, to a family you know is struggling, or an extra plate of food for a colleague...It’s the thought that counts.

Lift someone's spirits with a gift

 When you pass by a boutique and see that outfit, bag, or accessory you’ve always wanted, don’t close your eyes and hurriedly walk past. See yourself in that gorgeous outfit. Then save up for it. Seeing is believing, you know? If you can envision it and work towards it, you can definitely have it. 

10. Be Kind:

    This is the most important. Be kind to people, and mind your tone, everyone  is going through something. A kind word, or calm response can be the difference between someone you encounter (a driver, trader, security man, a coworker, etc.) having a good/bad day.

These are just a few suggestions to keep us going and motivated as we navigate times like these. Feel free to comment with your own ideas and let us know how you’ve been maintaining your 'steeze' and composure during the past few months.

Till next time!


RHD and Annie 💜💜💜

#EconomicRecession #MentalHealth #SelfCare #Steeze #Composure #NigerianLifestyle #Rhdesignss #AnnieSignature #StayPositive #ThriveNotJustSurvive


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