The Journey to Authentic Style: How I Learned to Dress Like Myself.
Photo credit: Style Rave. Do you ever find yourself scrolling through your favorite celebrity’s Instagram, saving pictures of their stylish, edgy, or over-the-top outfits? Do you tell yourself, “One day, I’ll recreate this look!” and even keep an eye out for similar pieces while shopping? Have you ever bought an outfit inspired by a celebrity, only to feel completely disappointed when you finally put it on? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this post is for YOU! Love me a Lady in Red. Dressing Like Myself: How Fashion Became a Reflection of My Growth In my teens and early 20s, I would have answered yes to all of the above. But after marriage and motherhood, my style changed drastically—sometimes in ways that still surprise me. For example, I used to be the "heels to the office” girl, but now? If I can get away with wearing flats, low-heeled sandals, or even flip-flops, then that’s exactly what I’m choosing. Now, before you panic—this is not me telling...