Here's what 'new mum' truly means. Pt1

 Dear Reader,

Keeping a journal has always been therapeutic for me. However, a lot changed in the last two years, and I struggled to find the words to write. In 2022, I became a wife and a mum, which changed my life forever. I often have 'pinch me' moments where I realize, "Hey, I'm somebody's wife," or look at my baby and think, "Who left this tiny human with me? Oh, wait, I'm her mum. Help me, God." So, I let my thoughts push me to write again.

Mama Ro

Getting pregnant and having a baby is a blessing, but it comes with unique surprises, pain, sadness, myths, facts, and challenges that we don't talk about enough. Here are some things I had to experience in pregnancy to understand:

Morning Sickness: It doesn't only happen in the mornings. I had to discover my triggers and see if I could get around them. Dividing my meals into portions and eating little at a time helped, as well as using a mouthwash and mint gum EVERYDAY to avoid bad breath, because brushing my tongue was a no-go.


Cravings: So, medically, your body tries to tell you the kinds of nutrients you and your baby needs through the kind of cravings you have. I didn't have crazy cravings like lion meat pepper soup at 3am, or the smell of cement, smoke, burnt food, or chewing ice like I've heard so many people discuss, but did crave fruits, plantain, eggs, nuts, and milk. Some favorite comfort foods became off-limits, and new ones, like a particular shrimp cracker, became essentials.

Hormones: Pregnancy cranks up emotions by 100%. You cry for good, sad, or unnecessary reasons. The waterworks come on for anything, from missing your favorite snack to feeling your baby move, or when your husband cooks you dinner because you're now irritated by your own cooking... Premium tears.

Baby Bump: For first pregnancies, the bump might not show until about 6 months. At 4 months, my husband and I went for an extra scan to ensure all was well because I didn't look pregnant.  No bump, didn't gain weight, didn't look pregnant at all. In fact, i was still getting 'toasters' and 'are you pregnant?' at antenatal checkups. 

Stretchmarks: Mine appeared towards the end of pregnancy despite using coconut oil daily. If you know any effective treatments, let your girl know.

Pregnancy Myths: I heard so many myths about what to eat or avoid, like plantain causing 'okpa' or 'oka'. Or pineapples causing early labour. Most were false, as confirmed by my doctor. Some were genetic or personal to the mother, but not a law everyone must abide by. Did you hear the one of safety pin warding off evil spirits? Psalm 91 was my safety pin though. For the foods/fruits, moderation is definitely key, However it's very important to listen to your doctors. 

Labor Timing: You might not go into labor by your due date. That was a suprise. I'd always thought EDDs were accurate.. or at least just a few days off.... The last few weeks of pregnancy feel like the longest. If you’ve felt tired before, you’ll feel even more exhausted just getting up for a drink of water. Hungry? You’ll be ravenous every few hours. Peeing a lot? Prepare for more frequent bathroom trips.  Have your bag packed and ready, see your doctor weekly, track your baby’s kicks, and pray for baby’s arrival. Baby Ro waited almost a week past our 2nd EDD to show up. 

Baby Ro on Day 1.

Becoming a new mum is a superpower and a challenging experience that requires patience, flexibility, self-care, and lots of love. Establishing a daily routine that works for you and your baby is crucial.

Some days, I feel like I’ve got it all figured out, but other days are utter chaos. I remind myself to stay calm, knowing no one has it all figured out and that I’m the best mum for my baby. I’m grateful for my supportive husband and hands-on dad, who’s made this journey smoother. I’m also thankful for my 'village'—neighbors, close friends, and family, who’ve all been there for us.

If you're a mum (or dad), share some tips that helped you through the first few months in the comments below. Feel free to ask me any mommy-hood questions, and, let me know what you'd like me to share next about being a new mum.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

XoXo, RHD 💜💜💜


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