Shaking and Breaking Tables; Humbly catch your sub.

Chating/Phone Etiquette.

Who are you chatting with?
Who are you chatting with?

As woke people that we are, mature minded adults and free thinking individuals, etiquette could sound like over-sabi (going overboard) especially when it comes to chatting, or calling. They are easily the most casual things to do in this age and time.

Am I right? Or am I right??

However, impressions do matter, (especially in first few conversations), regardless of our age, financial standing, position or past relationship with the person. 

So this post might seem like stating the obvious (I mean, we do know the right thing to do!) But it has to be said, since they barely teach it in schools (or at home....) Don't say no one ever informed you. 

When you chat with someone for the first time, don't say 'Hi' and leave it: This can't be said enough times.  Some people make it worse and say: 'do you know who you're chatting with?' Some even go as far as saying 'don't tell me you don't have my number/ can't recognize my picture.


What if they don't??

Soooo what are the chat 'Dos and Don'ts'??

1. Greet. Yes, please say "Good Morning", "Good afternoon", or "Good evening" as the situation deserves. No, not "GM" or "Morning" especially with someone you're not familiar with. 

Maaaaaaybe not everyone, but lot's of people lookout for greetings.😉

2. Introduce yourself. You read correctly: Introduce yourself, it won't kill you. If it's an acquaintance, a new friend (you just got their number), someone you haven't spoken to in a long time, you'll save them some stress, you'll invoke respect and get a good response from them.

If it's a client, an employer, someone older, or anyone you intend to make a request or inquiry from, It is COMPULSORY you don't skip this step. 

3. State how you got their contact. It's courtesy. Don't wait for them to say "How did you get my number?" As trivial as this sounds, it could cost you good friendships, solid clients or even an employment offer! Why risk it? Besides, its a good way to make your conversation rich and engaging. 

Jokes apart guys... Save us the brainstorm😖 

4. Go straight to why you're reaching out to the person. (Weather they've replied the first 3 or not). 'I wanted to know if you could....' (If it's business) 'I'd like to get to know you, if you don't mind....' (If it's not business 😎)

Yeeeah.... We try to practice what we preach😁.

We should learn to earn their respect first . Don't be in a hurry to be on first name basis or their bestie, boyfriend or girlfriend, start slooooow. Get to know if they see you in that light or they are just being nice. If they 'feel' you, they'll let down their guard soon enough. 

5. Ensure you don't use shorthand in your first 5 conversations with a new contact. Friend, client, enemy, do not use shorthand or abbreviations ... Save that for your goons,  guys, besties, pals and family members. 

Don't stress people.... Don't stress people.. Over. Do you copy??

6. Be honest with people when you're too busy to reply. It takes only a few seconds to drop a quick message. Just not in the mood to talk? spell it out. Don't "ghost" people, or form 'Hulk Hogan'. 

Tell them, they can't beat you.😋

7. Respond proportionally. Give back the same energy you get. Don't respond to a six-line message with 'K'.

Ha. My God. Please, stop hurting people's children with 'K'. It has ruined many relationships. 


8. Try to respond to your messages within a couple of hours, otherwise, you'll come off as rude. 

Those of us on this table should gently catch our subliminals..... I'll take first position. 🏃

See, it can be frustrating. When you have a full day's job and come online to meet over 200 messages. Tiredness won't let you know where to start. Crankiness from the day won't let you feel up to talking to some people....

When your tired is tired.

Just pace yourself. Give yourself some time and then respond as instincts lead but....

9. No, don't leave people on 'read' either. Yes, say it out loud: IT'S NOT FAIR. End the conversation as cleanly as possible or be sure they have.. You know when a conversation is over.  *drops mic* 

10. Don't keep texting or calling till you get a response. Uncle, aunty, brother, sister, DON'T. The person doesn't respond a few hours after rules 1-5, or doesn't pick up after 2 missed calls, please, leave them alone. (Try again later... Much later..) Signed, management. 

No, no, no, I just have a full life to lead and would get back to you as soon as I can.😖

Thank you for reading. 

Questions? Additions? Objections? Please share in the comment section. 

See you soon,

XoXo, RHD. 💜💜


Country living magazine


Practice builders. 



  1. Very educative. Thank you for this info

  2. More people need to read this

  3. #8 and 9 were directed at me lol but thanks for this article. I guess i will do better henceforth😜

  4. I am on this table...I've caught my sub😅😅😅😅😅😅

  5. Really nice, I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to next one 😘

  6. I am on some tables o.... I yaf catch my sub... Thanks for the enlightenment

  7. My obvious sub would be that I don't conclude my conversations... As soon as I feel the convo dying, I tune off. Lol. E go be things.... Nice one Rhods.

    1. Before it 'dies' just try to 'kill' it properly.. Thanks Ay 😀

  8. Something's needs to stop today.
    Thanks rh!

  9. 👏👏👏👏👏😁😁....
    I see what you did😁, I'm on this table

  10. Shey you see that picture for number 3 ehnnn it git me real bad 🤣. Plus I am sitting pretty on number 8

  11. I'm learning, me that ghost innocently

    1. Innocent ghosting... Lol. Apparently, I'm also learning.


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