She didn't have a dinner dress, so we had to improvise.. FAST.

How RHD styled the Queen- unknowingly.

The lights, the music, the excitement of being backstage, and seeing how it all happened first hand, really can't be compared to winning the crown! 

Mr and Miss Bold Nigeria 2020 held on Sunday 6th December, 2020. At Pelican Hotel, Lekki. 

RHD attended on contract to style one of the models for the male version of the pageant, and her job; making sure her client looked good was one taken quite seriously. 😉

The first outing for the pageant was casual wear. After supervising my client's outfit, I noticed this female model. Her confidence in dressing up adjacent the boys, was what caught my attention at first. Then she came out in a short, white evening dress that would pass for a Balmain original and made a quiet note to myself on how classy, confident, and stylish she looked in it. 

I went back to looking after my client, and I wasn't too surprised that he won the "best cultural wear" award towards the end of the evening as a lot of effort went into putting together his Edo prince outfit. 

Edo Prince for the win.💪 Phone photography btw. We still await official photos from the pageant. 😉

The tension started to build up when it was time for dinner wear, the final outing of the night, when it struck this model that she didn't have a dinner wear. She wasn't ready to back down tho. So she borrowed a short, leopard skin, casual dress from a fellow contestant, (what another model had on for the first outing) but RHD couldn't stand by to see a model walk in a short dress for dinner wear. So when my client offered a piece of his own gold creative wear material, I knew I had a cape ready to make an impromptu dinner dress. 

It wasn't the most glamorous dinner dress, but it was daring, like the theme stated, and she pulled it off! 

Our two winners! Top model (male) and Miss Bold Nigeria.

The moment Jennifer was crowned Queen, I knew we'd done something right by working with her. 

The new queen attributes her win to determination, and timely intervention.  Here's a brief interview we had with her afterwards: 

RHD: How did you feel the day of the competition?

Jennifer: Nervous. Really nervous. Cos everyone wants to win, and that made me really nervous, but determined to give my all. 

RHD: What was your opinion of the judges?

Jennifer: I really wished I could read their minds at some point! 

RHD: How was it for you to walk in such a setting?

Jennifer: It was tough because I'd never walked in a pageant before, and when you add nervousness... It was really tough, but I believe the camp training helped a lot.  

RHD: Your dinner dress; what really happened to it?

Jennifer: Well, I paid for a dress before going into camp, but the person stopped picking my calls by the day of the competition. Uptill now, I have no idea what became of my dress and money. 

RHD: How did you feel when you had to wear a last minute outfit, put together by a stylist ?

Jennifer: Wow, I was amazed at how quick the stylist figured out something for me to wear, and it helped me gain back my confidence, cos honestly, at that point, I was about giving up. In fact, I'd given up. I was about to drop out of the contest, since I didn't have a dinner wear. It felt like God intervened. 

RHD: The winning moment; how did it make you feel?

Jennifer: Excited. Gosh! I was so excited, overwhelmed, joyful.... After the ups and downs of the the evening, I became the winner, and everything: my training, my determination, even losing my dress and money... was worth it. 

RHD: Congratulations Jennifer. 

Jennifer: Thank you so much.... For everything.

RHD: You're welcome. 😉

After the win, my team and I just had to style her in an original RHD dress, so she gets a feel of what she coulda worn if we styled her in the first place. 

Glam squad:

Dress design and styling: @rhdesignss

Made by: @dijacouture22

Photographed by: @impreme.studios 

Make up: @queenziga

Queen: @Jennifernwakuche

We wish her an awesome reign. Long live the Queen. 💃

We hope you enjoyed this story, as much as we enjoyed being a part of it. Don't forget to leave a comment below. 

Compliments of the season.

XoXo; RHD 💜💜💜


  1. Awwwwn...keep it up. Good job

  2. Well done. Awesome job, I believe you can do anything 👌🏼👌🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  3. Nice one Rhoda, I was there so I could tell how the dress looked like, nobody will ever believe you could pull that through at the last minutes. Even I, been the MC of the event, I couldn't detect that. Good job Rhoda!


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