Let it be known that this generation did not keep silent.

 The vision and the visionaries

We talked, planned and dreamed about 2020. We called the plans #Vision2020. 

Little did we know what this would mean for Nigerians.

Welcome to Independence year.

The year of two great figures

2020 birthed 60years of Independence.

Remember the prayer for the country we all had in recent years, it's has been answered by the Almighty

 #Vision2020 all these years, we really weren't certain where we were headed for.

Our future plans were targeted at 2020.

Our leaders used this year as a vision and mission statement. Remember the 7 point Agenda?

Even the 2000 babies couldn't wait to clock twenty.

2020 finally came and settled in.

It offloaded it's first luggage: #coronavirus

The whole world felt its arrival

And it's departure date is still uncertain.

We just keep washing out hands.

The second luggage was opened titled #BlackLivesMatter of which we all fought for equity and against brutality. The result of which is quite uncertain.

Amidst chaos, the third luggage opened named *Rape and domestic violence*

The victims of which were surplus. As this is an already existing issue, the verdict lies within us. 

The year is going to an end and 2020 has taken a lot of dear lives from us.... we mention but a few.

The baggage were on now is named #PoliceBrutality

The youths are currently fighting against this.

But hang on a sec.

Is this just about brutality?

In this rally of protests, the youths bring up illegal assaults, infringement on privacy, basic human rights and OBVIOUS corruption. 

We've unearthed sacred topics: Unemployment, nepotism, favoritism, looting, bribery but must urgently; freedom, liberation, and empowerment of the youth.

While we await the hearing of our cause..

Just In case 2020has more bags to drop on us...

We keep saying our prayers as we sleep in the the streets with our eyes open and our hearts out.

As we hope and have faith for a liberation.

As we protect our upcoming generation.

We the visionaries have changed the Mission.

#vision2020 is for the IN-dependence  just of a society,

But for each and every citizen of this country.

To stand proud where ever we go. Arise o compatriots.. the Giants of Africa arise.  Great NIGERIANS, we're no longer asleep.

.... Let it be known that we did not stay silent. 



Co-written by Princess Phebean Samuel and RHD.

Love and prayers.. đź’śđź’śđź’ś



  1. #EndSARS 🌚 ✊🏾 🇳🇬

  2. Nice one dear
    I’m proud to be part of the generation that didn’t keep silent✊🏽

  3. No we didn't and we wont #endsars

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Fashion, Lifestyle, Movies, Music, Books, Writing, Art, Etiquette and Poise.

    October 17, 2020
    The vision and the visionaries

    We talked, planned and dreamed about 2020. We called the plans #Vision2020.

    Little did we know what this would mean for Nigerians.

    Welcome to Independence year.

    The year of two great figures

    2020 birthed 60years of Independence.

    Remember the prayer for the country we all had in recent years, it's has been answered by the Almighty

    #Vision2020 all these years, we really weren't certain where we were headed for.

    Our future plans were targeted at 2020.

    Our leaders used this year as a vision and mission statement. Remember the 7 point Agenda?

    Even the 2000 babies couldn't wait to clock twenty.

    2020 finally came and settled in.

    It offloaded it's first luggage: #coronavirus

    The whole world felt its arrival

    And it's departure date is still uncertain.

    We just keep washing out hands.

    The second luggage was opened titled #BlackLivesMatter of which we all fought for equity and against brutality. The result of which is quite uncertain.

    Amidst chaos, the third luggage opened named *Rape and domestic violence*

    The victims of which were surplus. As this is an already existing issue, the verdict lies within us.

    The year is going to an end and 2020 has taken a lot of dear lives from us.... we mention but a few.

    The baggage were on now is named #PoliceBrutality

    The youths are currently fighting against this.

    But hang on a sec.

    Is this just about brutality?

    In this rally of protests, the youths bring up illegal assaults, infringement on privacy, basic human rights and OBVIOUS corruption.

    We've unearthed sacred topics: Unemployment, nepotism, favoritism, looting, bribery but must urgently; freedom, liberation, and empowerment of the youth.

    While we await the hearing of our cause..

    Just In case 2020has more bags to drop on us...

    We keep saying our prayers as we sleep in the the streets with our eyes open and our hearts out.

    As we hope and have faith for a liberation.

    As we protect our upcoming generation.

    We the visionaries have changed the Mission.

    #vision2020 is for the IN-dependence just of a society,

    But for each and every citizen of this country.

    To stand proud where ever we go. Arise o compatriots.. the Giants of Africa arise. Great NIGERIANS, we're no longer asleep.

    .... Let it be known that we did not stay silent.



    Co-written by Princess Phebean Samuel and RHD.

    Love and prayers.. đź’śđź’śđź’ś



    CorrectBoss17 October 2020 at 02:12
    #EndSARS 🌚 ✊🏾 🇳🇬


    Adesewa17 October 2020 at 02:15
    Nice one dear
    I’m proud to be part of the generation that didn’t keep silent✊🏽


    Unknown17 October 2020 at 02:27


    Unknown17 October 2020 at 02:44
    No we didn't and we wont #endsars


    Mrs O17 October 2020 at 02:45
    Enough is enough! Indeed we are tired of the impunity and injustice; greedy leaders and politicians looting us blind. Thank God for this reawakening by the Youths, Nigeria must be great again !!! #ReformNigeria,#EndSARS

  6. Our futures matter and we will not seal our lips against it.

  7. Arise O compatriots..
    We have finally risen. And we won't sit till we're settled

  8. We have brought the change Baba talked about but couldn't bring. We are birthing a new Nigeria.

  9. Beautiful... Nigeria will be great again!


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